Monday, 4 February 2013

New Year 2013

New Year, new dream, new life, new occasion, new thinking, new mind, new look....

The most excited goose-bumping feel that day. Oh hew   ~ ~ ~ took a deep breath released after seeing the status is been approved. What ?!! Oh Yeah, that's it is.

Every when what's my mom think that I could not get it, and then, I got it. Thanks for the faith indeed.

Yes, this is all about application for the New Zealand Working Holiday Visa that I was eagerly wanting since last year. Overcome all the obstacles in my mind, my head, my think, with a minimal sort of application research, and then, that is the decision I made.

Clicking on the "Submit" which is so unconformable. And then started to think the "What If" theory. Oh Damn!

That is not the most suffering one so far. Yet, there are still a lot of explanation which consumes more of my energy and watery mouth to my parents for that planning. Fear, trust-worthy, and then she got a lot / more than of "What If" theory in her mind. Haizzz, couldn't them be more modernized.

And now, I would like to tell you what I'm thinking......

And I think, and truly think that freedom of growth, power of wisdom, uncovered mindset is the most important virtual for me nowadays. Am getting older and life been 25 more years now. And what do I get, what did I get? What do I have? Sophistication point of view, the maturity way of thoughts?

I do realize getting flying colors in my exams and they are just flying colours. Buying properties and earning money and they are just money and properties. You may think it is the most prosperous life you have with material.  But "What If" ......

Seeing friends putting on their gown walking down to the aisle, seeing them getting profits buying shares and doing well sales. Driving nice car, living nice houses. And they almost own many things in their life, and then, they will have kids, and will be seeing them doing the same recycling life that they used to. Perhaps it will be differently odd, but still in the same cycle.

I hope that cycle will stop when my generation.

Respect not to the eldest one, but it is to degree: Respect to the characteristics and it always kept in heart NOT MOUTH! Polite not equivalent how you greet the respective,  it is the manners that you present for something.

Fight is not brutal, but to show rights by emotional.

That's why Obama says : " change "

Not only Americans, but the nations with the attitude practicing in life.

Honestly, I never travel as far as this before, and I do remember once I got my degree in 21 age, jobs come first. I do not regret on what I did. For that situation, what I really need was "Money and car" And that saved me. Money was so important for me, working hard, pretending strong on my daily basis and it continuously living till now....

The world is as big as unimaginable. But why human's just thinking what's their ancestors thought. And ancestors generated to another generation.

I would rather adopt a child in orphanage instead giving birth my self. Getting a companion instead of getting married. Be a lobo instead obedient girl staying at house.

All those facts have changed my mind and it grows gradually. The innovation is still under implementation.

And please do forgive my rebel of such thinking.... *not being religious...

New Year ... NEW ZEALAND .. here I start my journey and hope it would never ends...