Saturday 4 July 2009

what had been happening for the past - ing months

Dear All,

welcome to my new link of mediocre pianist. and get rid of being a spookygal. and gonna tell you what had been happening in ma life for the past 6 months.

Working is harsh and HARSH! For your advise, please don't start a job immediately after getting yourself graduate. Unless, you are facing scarce of money. it is just not a life for fun if you do everything in rush and force yourself to a new society. But, a new society which brought maturity and fun as well.

My life is totally like deja vu for these few months. I think i can handle every chord well, but might not hitting the pitch. String with fingers. I got short fingers, they are tiny and damn soft. pressing on strings on guitar stage. You losen, or you got your fingers injured by pressin it so hard.
So, it will be such a hectic, stress and cries when you playin, but definitely not enjoyable.
I don't even own a metronume since in my first grade till now. Why should my piece controlled by a metronome. I still love to be rubato. my fingers decide everything.. just it is. sometimes a tranquillo, and sometimes schernanzo, we are not in the classic anymore.

Welcome to my new blog. Start it with a new life.

currently listening to "Will you be there" by MJ. church hyme always represent peace.

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